Elementary School

The foundation for future success begins here. The GSLA curriculum enriches the lives of our K-8 students in many ways, and we have a low student-to-teacher ratio. Our classes are divided into multi-grade rooms (1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th, and 7th and 8th). This allows us to offer students more individualized instruction and an opportunity to better tailor their learning to their abilities — and expose students to advanced learning, too.
Here at GSLA, we are not only training children for their academic futures, but for their eternal future, as well: We gather as an entire school assembly twice a month for chapel, and all of our subjects are taught in light of God’s Word so our students see the world through a biblical lens. Our school day runs from 8:10 AM to 3 PM, and before- and after-care programs are available.

GSLA offers cross country and soccer (fall), basketball (winter), and track (spring). In the fall and spring months, we use our outdoor space for practices. Cross country meets and soccer games are held at a rental location off campus. In the winter, we rent gym space for our basketball practices and games. Coaches are a mix of parent volunteers and staff. We are always looking for more volunteer coaches!
Physical education is another way we expose our students to sports and exercise, and our PE classes are held on campus during the spring and winter months. From November to February, grades K-8 utilize the YMCA gym that is less than a mile from campus. We use buses to transport students back and forth.

GSLA emphasizes a strong and diverse arts education for students of all ages, from PreK-8th grade. We typically host two band concerts a year, and we also offer individual piano lessons after school. We also host an annual Christmas program and an end-of-the-year Entertainment Night, where our students perform drama productions and musicals.
Band (Beginner & Advanced)
Instrumental Music Lessons
Art Instruction/Appreciation